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2023 Race Schedule

This page is a list of each race planned for the season.  Click on "Read More" to access each Race "Notice of Race", "Sailing Instructions" and official Race Results. 

The Rose Cup - Postponed

This is a women only one-day PHRF multiple race event with boats sailing with or without a flying sail.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:

Pursuit Series (Wednesdays)

Our popular Wednesday Night Racing Series. A series of 10 races set over the summer season, each race is 1 hour long, starting at 7:30pm and racers will attempt as many laps around the markers as they are able in the time alotted. Start times for races July 19 onward will adjust earlier to 7pm accommodate enough evening light for safety. PHRF rating. This means the slowest boat starts first, fastest boat starts last. The race lasts 60 minutes sailing a triangular course. PHRF (white and spinnaker) starting times are assigned and emailed prior to the start of the season. Boats can either sail with or without flying sail (spinnaker). One fee covers between 2 or all 10 races. Great practice and fun for all!

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


Down the Lake Race

This is a Saturday one-day race down Wabamun Lake, anywhere between 18 to 26 nautical miles in distance to the finish line. This PHRF event involves three to four marks arranged typically at the Sundance power station, east end of the Lake and in behind the point. Boats can sail under whites or with Spinnakers.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:

Spring Series Races

This is a two-day weekend event of up to six races with boats sailing whites or spinnakers. The course may be either an up-down "sausage" or triangle sausage.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


Single Hand Race

As the name implies only one person is allowed on the boat. A single race triangle course is typically sailed with one mark near the Sundance Power Plant and the second in behind Coal Point.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


Jack & Jill Races

This is a one day multiple race sailing event where a male and female sail the boat. The female must helm the boat.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


Splice the Main Brace

This is a two day multiple regatta style August event similar to the spring series.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:

Fall Series Races

This is an early September weekend multiple race regatta similar to the the Spring Series and Splice the Main.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


Night Race

An overnight race down the lake, starting at 7pm and ending no later than 8am Sunday morning. This race covers a distance of 22-25 nautical miles over Wabamun Lake, and finishes at the SBYC Clubhouse.

Host Club: 


Race Fees:


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